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Tutorial Part 1: Getting Started With SAYN

This tutorial navigates you through your first SAYN run and explains the core components of a SAYN project. It uses the example project created by sayn init. It assumes SAYN is setup as described in the installation section.

Your First SAYN Run

To get started, open a terminal, activate your virtual environment (source sayn_venv/bin/activate) and run the following:

getting started commands

sayn init sayn_tutorial
cd sayn_tutorial
sayn run

This will create a new project with the contents of this tutorial and execute it.

sayn run execution

You have made your first SAYN run! This executed several tasks that created SQL data models (several tables and one view) in the SQLite database dev.db. You can use DB Browser for SQLite in order to view the content of the database. These data models model battles from various tournaments and are similar to transformation processes you would run in-warehouse for analytics purposes.

Now that you have made your first SAYN run, let's cover what happens in the background.

Project Overview

The sayn_tutorial folder has the following structure:

├── project.yaml
├── settings.yaml
├── python
│   ├──
│   └──
├── sql
│   ├── dim_arenas.sql
│   ├── dim_fighters.sql
│   ├── dim_tournaments.sql
│   ├── f_battles.sql
│   ├── f_fighter_results.sql
│   └── f_rankings.sql
├── compile
├── logs
├── .gitignore
└── requirements.txt

The main files are:

  • project.yaml: defines the SAYN project and the task groups. It is shared across all collaborators.
  • settings.yaml: defines the individual user's settings. It is unique for each collaborator and should never be pushed to git as it contains credentials.
  • python: folder where scripts for python tasks are stored.
  • sql: folder where SQL files for sql and autosql tasks are stored.
  • logs: folder where SAYN logs are written.
  • compile: folder where compiled SQL queries before execution.

Setting Up Your Project

Now let's see how the tutorial project would be created from scratch.

Step 1: Define The Project In project.yaml

The project.yaml file is at the root level of your directory and contains:


  - warehouse

default_db: warehouse

    type: autosql
    file_name: "*.sql"
    materialisation: table
      table: "{{ }}"

    type: python
    module: load_data

The following is defined:

  • required_credentials: the list of credentials used by the project. In this case we have a single credential called warehouse. The connection details will be defined in settings.yaml.
  • default_db: the database used by sql and autosql tasks. Since we only have 1 credential, this field could be skipped.
  • groups: these define the core task groups of the project. The project only has one task group which defines the models task group. More details on what groups do in the next section of the tutorial.

Step 2: Define Your Individual Settings

Your individual settings are defined by the settings.yaml file which is stored at the root level of your directory. It contains:


      warehouse: dev_db

default_profile: dev

    type: sqlite
    database: dev.db

The following is defined:

  • profiles: the definion of profiles for the project. A profile defines the connection between credentials in the project.yaml file and your own credentials.
  • default_profile: the profile used by default at execution time. This can be overriden if necessary via -p flag of the run command.
  • credentials: here we define the credentials necessary to run the project. We simply define our warehouse credential which is currently a SQLite database.

What Next?

You now know the core components and have made your first SAYN run, congratulations! In the next section of the tutorial, we go through how to use SAYN for data modelling.

Enjoy SAYN :)