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SAYN's CLI tool is the main means for interacting with SAYN projects. Use sayn --help to see all options.

Available Commands

sayn init

Initialises a SAYN project in the current working directory with the SAYN tutorial.

sayn run

Executes the project. Without arguments it will run all tasks, using the default profile defined in settings.yaml. This default behaviour can be overridden with some arguments:

  • -p profile_name: use the specified profile instead of the default.
  • -d: extra information to the screen, including messages from self.debug in python tasks.

Filtering Tasks

Sometimes we don't want to execute all tasks defined in the project. In these instances we can use the following arguments to filter:

  • -t task_query: tasks to include.
  • -x task_query: exclude specific tasks.

Multiple tasks can be included after the argument, accumulating their values. Note that both -t and -x can be specified multiple times, resulting in the same outcome.


  • sayn run -t task_name: run task_name only.
  • sayn run -t task1 task2: runs task1 and task2 only.
  • sayn run -t task1 -t task2: runs task1 and task2 only. (equivalent to the one above.)
  • sayn run -t +task_name: run task_name and all its ancestors.
  • sayn run -t task_name+: run task_name and all its descendants.
  • sayn run -t group:group_name: run all tasks specified in the group group_name.
  • sayn run -t tag:tag_name run all tasks tagged with tag_name.
  • sayn run -x task_name: run all tasks except task_name.
  • sayn run -t group:marketing -x +task_name: run all tasks in the marketing task group except task_name and its ancestors.

Quite often we want to make some changes to a small set of tasks, explore the new results, make some more changes and repeat. When doing this we might not want to have an up to date copy of all upstream objects and instead we might want to use production as the source of your models. For this we can use the flag -u (--upstream-prod) which selects from production for tables not produced by the currently filtered tasks. Head over to database objects for more details

Both task filtering and upstream prod arguments can be set using default_run in settings.yaml. Example:


profiles: dev: default_run: -x group:extract

This example will make it so that running sayn run will already exclude the tasks in the group called extract.

Incremental Tasks Options

SAYN uses 3 arguments to manage incremental executions: full_load, start_dt and end_dt; which can be overridden with these arguments to sayn run:

  • -f: do a full refresh. Mostly useful on incremental tasks to refresh the whole table (default: False).
  • -s: start date for incremental loads (default: yesterday).
  • -e: end date for incremental loads (default: yesterday).

These values are available to sql and autosql tasks as well as python tasks with self.run_arguments. When the sayn run command is executed, these values define the Period specified in the console.

sayn compile

Works like run except it doesn't execute the sql code. The same optional flags than for sayn run apply.

sayn dag-image

Generates a visualisation of the whole SAYN process. This requires graphviz installed in your system and the python package, which can be installed with pip install "sayn[graphviz]".