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Base class for tasks in SAYN.


Name Type Description
name str

Name of the task as defined in the task group.

group str

Name of the task group where the task was defined.

run_arguments dict

Dictionary containing the values for the arguments specified in the cli.

task_parameters dict

Provides access to the parameters specified in the task.

project_parameters dict

Provides access to the global parameters of the project.

parameters dict

Convinience property joining project and task parameters.

connections dict

Dictionary of connections specified for the project.

tracker sayn.logging.TaskEventTracker

Message tracker for the current task.

jinja_env jinja2.Environment

Jinja environment for this task. The environment comes pre-populated with the parameter values relevant to the task.

add_run_steps(self, steps)

Adds new steps to the list of run steps for the task, allowing the CLI to indicate task execution progress.

compile_obj(self, obj, **params)

Compiles the object into a string using the task jinja environment.


Name Type Description Default
obj str/Path/Template

The object to compile. If the object is not a Jinja template object, self.get_template will be called first.

params dict

An optional dictionary of additional values to use for compilation. Note: Project and task parameters values are already set in the environment, so there's no need to pass them on


debug(self, message, details=None)

Print a debug message when executing sayn in debug mode (sayn run -d)

error(self, message, details=None)

Prints an error message which will be persisted on the screen after the task concludes execution.

Executing this method doesn't abort the task or changes the task status. Use return for that instead.


Name Type Description Default
message str

An optinal error message to print to the screen.


fail(self, msg=None)

Returned on failure in any stage.

finish_current_step(self, result=Result.Ok: None)

Specifies the end of the current step

get_test_breakdown(self, breakdown)

Return list breakdown of: test status, test type and column.


breakdown = self.get_test_breakdown(self.test_breakdown)


Name Type Description Default
breakdown list

test_breakdown list given by db method _construct_tests


info(self, message, details=None)

Prints an info message.


(Deprecated: use success instead) Returned on successful execution.

set_run_steps(self, steps)

Sets the run steps for the task, allowing the CLI to indicate task execution progress.

start_step(self, step)

Specifies the start of a task step

step(self, step)

Step context


with self.step('Generate Data'):
    data = generate_data()


Name Type Description Default
step str

name of the step being executed.



Returned on successful execution.

test_failure(self, breakdown, result, run_argument)

CLI outputs on failed test execution.


Name Type Description Default
breakdown list

output of get_test_breakdown class method.

result dict

output of test query.

run_argument str

"debug" entry in class run_arguments.


test_sucessful(self, breakdown)

CLI outputs on successful test execution.


Name Type Description Default
breakdown list

output of get_test_breakdown class method.


warning(self, message, details=None)

Prints a warning message which will be persisted on the screen after the task concludes execution.

write_compilation_output(self, content, suffix=None, extension='sql')

Writes text content into the compilation folder

The file will be stored in a folder with the name of the group the task belongs to and the name of the file will be that of the task name.