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Settings: settings.yaml

The settings.yaml defines local configuration like credentials. This file is unique to each SAYN user collaborating on the project and is automatically ignored by git.


settings.yaml should never be pushed to git as it contains credentials for databases and APIs used by the SAYN project.


default_profile: dev

      warehouse: snowflake-songoku

      table_prefix: songoku_
      schema_logs: analytics_logs
      schema_staging: analytics_adhoc
      schema_models: analytics_adhoc

      warehouse: snowflake-prod

    # no need for prod parameters as those are read from project.yaml

    type: snowflake
    account: [snowflake-account]
    user: [user-name]
    password: '[password]'
    database: [database]
    schema: [schema]
    warehouse: [warehouse]
    role: [role]

    type: snowflake
    account: [snowflake-account]
    user: [user-name]
    password: '[password]'
    database: [database]
    schema: [schema]
    warehouse: [warehouse]
    role: [role]
Property Description Default
profiles A map of available profiles to the user. credentials and parameters are defined for each profile. Those parameters overwrite the parameters set in project.yaml. Required
default_profile The profile used by default at execution time. Entry in required_credentials if only 1 defined
credentials The list of credentials used in profiles to link required_credentials in project.yaml. Required

This file enables the user to use two different profiles whenever desired: dev and prod. It is usually good practice to separate your environments in order to ensure that testing is never done directly on production.

Defining Credentials

Credentials includes both databases (eg: your warehouse) as well as custom secrets used by python tasks. For a definition of a database connection see to the documentation for your database type

For custom credentials, use the type: api and include values required:


    type: api
    api_key: 'api_key'

All credentials are accessible through self.connections['credential_name'] where credential_name is the name given in required_credentials. API credentials when accessed in python are defined as dictionary, whereas database connections are Database objects.

Using Environment Variables

Local settings can be set without the need of a settings.yaml file using environment variables instead. With environment variables we don't need to set profiles, only credentials and project parameters are defined. SAYN will interpret any environment variable names SAYN_CREDENTIAL_name or SAYN_PARAMETER_name. The values when using environment variables are either basic types (ie: strings), json or yaml encoded.

Taking the settings.yaml example above for the dev profile, in environment variables:

# JSON encoded credential
export SAYN_CREDENTIAL_warehouse='{"type": "snowflake", "account": ...}'

# YAML encoded credential
export SAYN_CREDENTIAL_backend="
type: postgresql
user: ...

# Project parameters as strings
export SAYN_PARAMETER_table_prefix="songoku_"
export SAYN_PARAMETER_schema_logs="analytics_logs"
export SAYN_PARAMETER_schema_staging="analytics_adhoc"
export SAYN_PARAMETER_schema_models="analytics_adhoc"

# Project parameters allow complex types JSON or YAML encoded
export SAYN_PARAMETER_dict_param="
key1: value1
key2: value2

When environement variables are defined and a settings.yaml file exists, the settings from both will be combined with the environment variables taking precedence.

Default run

When a team member only works on a subset of the SAYN project (for example, a data analyst that works only with modelling tasks) it's useful to automatically filter the tasks that will be executed when we run sayn run. For this we can use the default_run configuration, which is set in the profile in your settings.yaml or through the environment variable SAYN_DEFAULT_RUN:


profile: dev: default_run: -x group:extract

export SAYN_DEFAULT_RUN="-x group:extract"

So we just add the arguments we would give after sayn run or sayn compile. Only task selection and upstream prod are allowed (-t/--tasks, -x/--exclude and -u/--upstream-prod).