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Database objects

The most common task found in SAYN projects is the autosql task. This is a type of tasks where you write a SELECT statement and SAYN handles the database object creation. When you run the project you would want a task selecting from a table to run after the task that creates said table. In order to simplify task dependencies, SAYN considers database objects core concepts and provides some tools to treat them as such.

Object specification

In a relational database we typically find database tables organised into schemas, so for example logs.tournaments refers to a table (or view) called tournaments in the logs schema, whereas arenas refers to a table (or view) called arenas in the default schema. SAYN uses the same format to refer to database tables and views, but as we'll see this allows for a more dynamic use.

Compilation of object names

In a real world scenario we want to write our code in a way that dynamically changes depending on the profile we're running on (eg: test vs production). This allows for multiple people to collaborate on the same project, wihtout someone's actions affecting the work of others in the team. Let's consider this example task:


    type: autosql
    materialisation: table
    file_name: example_task.sql
      schema: models
      table: example_model

This task uses the SELECT statement in the file sql/example_task.sql and creates a table example_model in the models schema of the default database. Now, if someone in your team runs this task, models.example_model will be replace with their new code and if someone else in the team is executing a task that reads from it it can produce undesired results.

A way to solve this problem could be to have different databases for each person in a team but that can easily lead to complicated database setups, potential data governance issues and increased database costs, as you might need a copy of the data per person working with it.

In SAYN there's another solution: we express database object names like schema.table but the code that's execution in the database is transformed according to personal settings. For example, we could have a schema called analytics_models where our production lives and another called test_models where we store data produced during development, with table names like USER_PREFIX_table rather than table so there's no collision and we minimise data redundancy.


Name configuration only affects the default_db. When a SAYN project has more than 1 database connection you can still use the macros described in this page to set dependencies, but the resulting value of the macro is exactly the same as the input.

Name configuration

The modifications described above are setup with prefixes, suffixes and overrides. For example:


    schema_prefix: test
    table_prefix: up

The above will make every schema.table specification to be compiled to test_schema.up_table.

Following the example in the previous section, if we want the to call the production schema analytics_models we can do so by adding the prefix in the project.yaml file:


schema_prefix: analytics

Having both files above configured like that will make it so that referencing models.example_model on production will be translated to analytics_models.example_model whereas the same code during testing will be translated as test_models.up_example_model. In other words, what we define in project.yaml is the default behaviour which can be overriden in settings.yaml.

Aside from schema_prefix and table_prefix we also have suffix (schema_suffix and table_suffix) which as expected would instead of prepending the value and an underscore, it adds that at the end.


Although the name of these settigns is table_* this also applies to views in the database. Similarly in some databases the concept of schema is called differently (eg: dataset in BigQuery) but schema is still used for all databases in SAYN.

Referencing database objects

So far we've seen how the properties of an autosql task use this database object specification, but the real power of this feature is when used in the code of the task itself, which we do this with the src and out macros. For example:


    schema_prefix: test
    table_prefix: up


  FROM {{ src('logs.raw_table') }}

Here we're calling the src macro that does 2 things:

  • Using prefixes and suffixes translates logs.raw_table to the appropriate table name
  • Declares that example_task (as defined earlier in this page) depends on the task(s) that produce logs.raw_table

So the output code to be executed in the database will be:


-- SAYN adds the table management code
  FROM test_logs.up_raw_table

The counterpart to src is out which similarly translates the value to the appropriate database name, as well as it defines database objects produced by the task. In autosql tasks out is not present since there's no usage for it, however this is useful for sql tasks:


CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE {{ out('models.sql_example') }} AS
  FROM {{ src('logs.raw_table') }}

This code tells SAYN that this sql task produces the table models.sql_example and depends on the table logs.raw_table, while simultaneously producing this example code to be executed in the database:


CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE test_models.up_sql_example AS
  FROM test_logs.up_raw_table

src and out are also available to python tasks, however we use them with context.src or self.src:


def example_python(context, warehouse):
    table_name = context.src('logs.raw_table')
    data = warehouse.read_data(f"select * from {table_name}")


class MyTask(PythonTask):
    def config(self):
        self.table_name = self.src('logs.raw_table')

    def run(self):
        data = self.default_db.read_data(f"select * from {self.table_name}")

The above examples are equivalent to each other and we use context.src in the decorator form and self.src in the more advanced class model. context.out and self.out are also available in python tasks and their behaviour is the same as with sql and autosql tasks.


src should only be used for tables that are managed by the SAYN project. If an external EL tool is being used to load data into your warehouse, references to these tables should be hardcoded instead, as their names never change depending on your SAYN profile, nor there are any task dependencies to infer from using src.

Note that calling src and out in the run method of a python task class or in the function code when using a decorator doesn't affect task dependencies, it simply outputs the translated database object name. The task dependency behaviour in python tasks is done by either calling self.src or self.out in the config method of the class or by passing these references to the task decorator in the sources and outputs arguments as seen in this example. For more details head to the python task section.

Altering the behaviour of src

A very common situation when working in your data pipeline is when we have a lot of data to work with but at any point in time while modelling we find ourselves working only a subset of it. Working with sample data can be inconvenient during development because it hinders our ability to evaluate the result and the alternative, having a duplicate of the data for every person in the team, can be costly both in terms of money and time producing and maintaining these duplicates. For this reason SAYN comes equiped with 2 features that simplifies this switchin: from_prod and upstream prod.

from_prod is most useful when a team member never deals with a part of the SAYN project. For example, a data analyst that only deals with modelling tasks in a SAYN project that also has extraction tasks. Upstream prod is most useful when we're doing changes to a small set of task, so we don't want to have to repopulate all the upstream tables.

from_prod configuration

The first mechanism is from_prod which we set in the settings.yaml file and override the behaviour of src. An example:


schema_prefix: analytics


  FROM {{ src('logs.extract_table') }}


    table_prefix: up
    schema_prefix: test
      - "logs.*"

In the above example we have a task selecting data from logs.extract_table which for the purpose of this example we can assume is created by an extraction task pulling data from an API. On production, src('logs.extract_table') will be translated as analytics_logs.extract_table, whereas during development it will be translated as test_logs.up_extract_table, given the configuration in the dev profile in settings.yaml. However there's also a from_prod entry with logs.* which is telling SAYN that all tables or views from the logs schema should come from production, so the final code for the test_table task will actually be:


  FROM analytics_logs.extract_table

As you can see, we just need to specify a list of tables in from_prod to always read from the production configuration, that is, the settings shared by all team members as specified in project.yaml. To make it easier to use, wildcards (*) are accepted, so that we can specify a whole schema like in the example, but we can also specify a list of tables explicitely instead.

from_prod can also be specified using environment variables with export SAYN_FROM_PROD="logs.*" where the value is a comma separated list of tables.


To avoid accidentally affecting production tables, from_prod only affects src. The result of calling out always evaluate to your configuration in settings.yaml or environment variables.

Upstream prod

The second mechanism to override the behaviour of src is upstream prod. We use upstream prod by specifying the flag (-u or --upstream-prod) when running SAYN while filtering, for example sayn run -t example_task -u. When we do this, any reference to tables produced by tasks not present in the current execution will use the parameters defined in project.yaml. For example:


schema_prefix: analytics


    schema_prefix: test
    table_prefix: up


  FROM {{ src('logs.raw_table') }}

Running sayn run -t example_task will run the following code in the database:


CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE test_models.up_example_model AS
  FROM test_logs.up_raw_table

So the src macro translates logs.raw_table to the testing name test_logs.up_raw_table. However, with upstream prod (sayn run -t example_task -u) the code executed will be:


CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE test_models.up_example_model AS
  FROM analytics_logs.raw_table

Since no task in this execution creates logs.raw_table in SAYN translates that instead to the production name analytics_logs.raw_table, while the table created is still the test version.

Let' assume now that we have another task that we want to include in the execution:


  FROM {{ src('models.example_model') }}

So when run sayn run -t example_task another_example_task -u the code for the example_task will remain the same as above, but the code executed for another_example_model will be:


CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE test_models.up_another_example_model AS
  FROM test_models.up_example_model

Because example_task is part of this exeuction and produces the table models.example_model reference by another_example_task models.example_model is translated using the testing settings into test_models.up_example_model unlike logs.raw_table which as no task producing it is present in this execution, will be translated into the production name.

With upstream prod it becomes a lot easier to work with your modelling layer without having to duplicate all your upstream tables for every person in the team or being forced to work with sampled data.

Advanced usage

For a more advanced usage, we also have schema_override and table_override which allows us to completely change the behaviour. With override what we do is define the exact value that a schema or table name will have based on some Jinja template logic. To this template 3 values are passed:

  • table: the name of the table specified in sayn code
  • schema: the name of the schema specified in sayn code
  • connection: the name of the connection it refers to


    schema_override: "{% if schema != 'logs' %}test{% else %}analytics{% endif %}_{{ schema }}"
    table_override: "{% if schema != 'logs' %}up_{{ table }}{% else %}{{ table }}{% endif %}"

With this example, a reference to models.example_model will be translated as test_models.up_example_model but a reference to logs.raw_logs will be translated as analytics_logs.raw_logs. This can be useful in cases where someone in the team never works with data ingestion, so every modelling task ran by them will always reads from production data, rather than having to duplicate the data or having to work with a sample of this raw data.


Note that with the above example of override, a task writting to the logs schema will always write to the production version analytics_logs so to avoid issue you should always have good permissions setup in your database.